Safecracking: Negotiable or Not?

Safecrackers and locksmiths are the plumbers of the security industry

This will be short and sweet. What is it that prompts people calling for pricing on work they want done to immediately begin chiseling the price downward?

In other words, when you go into a restaurant and sit down for a look at the menu, is the first thing you tell your waiter "I'm in the mood for your filet of sole dinner, but $22.95 is a little high . . . will you give it to me for $18.00?"


"Wow, $22.95 for the filet of sole? I was in restaurant last week and they only wanted $17.95."

Then you look up expectantly and wait to hear a price that more closely approximates the price you paid for filet of sole dinner at a different place.

No, I don't think you do this. We all know this will get you the bum's rush, because your waiter just handed you a menu upon which the prices have been printed beforehand for all to see. Most restaurant menus don't have a banner across the top that says "All prices negotiable."

Mostly talking about people who call about work they never had done before. When this is the case, the burning question is "if you've never hired anyone to do a job like the one you want done, how do you know my price is too high?" How do you know whether or not it's the best you'll ever hear?

Same thing when you're at the counter in a corner store. Do you place your six pack of beer on the counter and say to the person at the register, "I know this is marked $7.95, but a place I go to across town has this for $6.95. Can I have it for that price?"

I know damned well you don't, and so do you. So what is it that makes people think one type of price is negotiable and others aren't? Especially prices for things they admittedly have zero experience buying?
Ken Dunckel


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