Hi to whoever wants to read this stuff. Never used a blog before, so expect a learning curve.

I'll try to keep it generally interesting. It's going to be about safes and vaults and safecrackers and my doings with them. Don't look for any "secret safecracking info" here, because it's not about free lessons.

What info I will supply will be aimed at being helpful, however, if only for the sake of general interest, background, and debunking as much of the overabundant urban mythology about safes, vaults, and safecrackers.

General Information About Safes and Safecrackers

Not many people know what a safecracker really does, because the media has had control of the public's perceptions about my work since oh, forever.

I'm a real safecracker, not a crook, not an ex-con, not much of an ex-anything.

In other words, my business is visiting residential, business, and government clients to open and repair or service safes and vaults when users have problems. The problems vary. Sometimes unknown combinations on locked safes or vaults, sometimes units that repairs, adjustments, or parts replaced, sometimes "spontaneous" lockouts for a variety of reasons, and sometimes lockouts after unsuccessful burglary attempts.

I mostly work in the San Francisco Bay Area, but sometimes go farther afield; way north, way south, and on occasion to Nevada.

The jobs, situations, and people vary, but underlying common threads become apparent after someone like me does enough jobs.

"Someone like me" means I'm not the only one around who specializes like this. However, people who specialize in this safe and vault work like I do make up a pretty small club worldwide.

If you look in the Yellow Pages or wherever you do your services searching, you'll find locksmiths whose listings say they do safe work. And they usually do, but usually they will do it to a point. In other words, their knowledge, equipment and capabilities are enough to handle some of the types of work I do, but not all of it.

Problem is, not enough people think to look under the "Safe Opening and Repairing" headings when trying to find someone to work on a safe or a vault. Most think "Locksmith" and start and end their searches under that heading. So if you're reading this and if you ever have a safe problem, try looking under "safes" in the Yellow Pages. You'll find more specialists there.

When they reach the point at which they don't feel inclined to take on a job for whatever reason, they either decline it, refer it to "someone like me," or they will subcontract "someone like me."


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