Safe Opening: Photos For Price Quotes Safe Opening Prices: Wanted: Usable Photos Of Your Safe When It Needs Service When your safe needs service there are a few things you can do to help the servicing go smoothly. Used Safe Prices Blue Book for Safes Safe ID When you need a price quote for safe work, the first order of business is to tell the safe company what you have. When the safe company knows what you have (make, model, rating (if known), the price quote will be that much more comprehensive. This is especially important if your safe won't open because of a mechanical problem. Case in point: As I was heading out one morning the phone rang. When I answered, a distressed-sounding lady began breathlessly telling me about her company's emergency: "Our vault won't open, and we can't open our business until it opens. Can you come right away?" Such calls usually qualify for immediate attention. A call from a business that can't operate until it...